Katelyn has arrived!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Birthday to You! - or - Michael.

Boy, things just aren't quiet in our house between June and September. Birthdays and holidays galore!

Today, we honor the 16th anniversary of Michael's birth. He's no little boy anymore! He is preparing to become employed and to attend Driver's Education classes in October. We ordered his class ring two weeks ago. This truly is not Mommy's little Magoo any longer...
All sixteen years of him have been a joy. No, that isn't a mother's bias; Michael truly is one of the best kids to have come along. He's smart, he's wise, and he's just plain funny. (He truly is a Steoger. Any of you who know my sister Jill and my father knows exactly what this means!)

I present to you: Michael Eugene Steoger.


1 comment:

Don said...

Happy Birthday Michael. I hope you enjoy your day! Grandpa :-)