Katelyn has arrived!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First signs of Autumn - or - Ecstasy.

It is finally here! Our first markedly obvious signs of autumn being just around the corner:

The temperature has dropped since this afternoon to a beautiful brisk 60 degrees.

A few crisp leaves are beginning to appear upon our grass.

The next door neighbor's tree is converting to yellow.

Wal-Mart is stocking their Halloween candy.

Lauren and Michael are dropping birthday wish list items into all conversations.

And perhaps most importantly... we shut off the air conditioner!!!

Here are the photos I've caught of the first signs of fall...

Reverse Photosynthesis?

The first few leaves have hit the ground:
Autumn leaves?

Our home - First week of September:
House 9/4/08

And not so much Autumn, but just as Awesome:

This is Jonathan, my husband, doing the one pass-time that he truly loves. And I love him.

1 comment:

Jill said...

We need a picture of guitar corner!!!